Not all online employment possibilities are trustworthy and safe. Getting real jobs online in the Philippines without falling for scams nowadays and avoiding scam jobs is more challenging, with scammers taking advantage of the frustration many unemployed Filipinos feel searching for alternative means of income.
Therefore, it’s essential to read the job description in its entirety, ask the potential client a lot of questions, and do your research when looking for ways to make money online. You can spot early signs of online employment fraud by doing this.
Be on the lookout for these common caution signs when searching for online employment.
You must pay to be selected for the position
Dues for membership, subscriptions, training materials, certification fees, and software purchases are a few examples that come to mind. The client should be accountable for paying you for your services, not the other way around.
No social media or website accounts are kept up by the client
If there is minimal information online regarding a particular business or person, don’t take any chances. Continue looking for further online employment opportunities.
The offer seems unbelievably true
If the client is willing to spend a lot of money on a simple work that doesn’t require any particular talents, it’s probably a scam.
The position has qualities that are unlawful
For example, you might be asked to open a bank account or utilize your PayPal account in order to take payment from a client and then transfer it to a third party. In the Philippines, money laundering is a significant criminal violation. Do not engage in any illegal conduct.
You’ll get paid to find new clients without offering any goods or services
It’s a clear indication of a pyramid scam unless you’re looking for a position in human resources or recruitment. If a business asks you to do that, stop doing business with them.
The work entails immoral actions
Like watermark removal, CAPTCHA solving, and clicking adverts. The results of these jobs could be utilized to commit a cybercrime, even though they are simple ways to make money online and aren’t necessarily unlawful.
A picture of your credit/debit card, license, or passport must be sent
Sensitive information on your IDs and cards could be used to open your bank accounts and access your money.
You are required to submit images of yourself wearing something inappropriate
For a job that includes interacting with people online.
The client refuses to address your questions about payments
or provides ambiguous replies.
Offering you a job right away without checking your employment history
If you’re unsure, check with other freelancers in online forums to see if a company or online work is legitimate. Better avoid working with dubious clients as soon as you become aware of the warning signs.